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Primary Uses/Benefits of Herbs and Phytomedicines

This table contains some of the primary uses and benefits of herbs and phytomedicines. This information is designed as a quick reference convenience for research and educational purposes and does not constitute a complete listing of the therapeutic benefits of each botanical. Health professionals and consumers should not make therapeutic decisions based solely on the skeletal information given below.

Condition Herb
adrenal insufficiency Licorice
amenorrhea Dong quai
analgesic Devil's claw
anti-inflammatory Devil's claw

Grape seed extract

Green tea

antioxidant Bilberry

Grape seed extract

anxiety Kava
arthritis, rheumatoid Cat's claw

Devil's claw

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Saw palmetto
bronchitis Licorice
capillary fragility and permeability Bilberry

Grape seed extract

cardiovascular risk Garlic
catarrh, respiratory Goldenseal


chemopreventive Green tea
cholesterol, high Garlic

Green tea

circulation, poor Bilberry


Gotu kola

cirrhosis, liver Milk thistle extract
colds Echinacea
constipation Cascara sagrada
convalescence Elcuthero (Siberian ginseng)

Ginseng (Asian)

coronary complications Hawthorn
debility Ginseng (Asian)
dementia, senile Ginkgo
depression-mild to moderate Ginkgo

St. john's wort

dysmenorrhea Dong quai
dyspepsia Ginger
eczema, atopic Evening primrose oil
exhaustion, physical or mental Ginseng (Asian)
fatigue Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng)

Ginseng (Asian)

Gotu kola

fortification Ginseng (Asian)
flu Echinacea
Condition Herb
heart complications Hawthorn
hepatoprotection Milk thistle extract
immune stimulant Cat's claw
infections, lack of resistance Ginseng (Asian)
inflammation, mucosal Goldenseal
insomnia Valerian
intermittent claudication Ginkgo
invigoration Ginseng (Asian)
liver, chronic inflammation Milk thistle extract
liver, toxic damage Milk thistle extract
mastalgia (painful breasts) Evening primrose oil
memory, short-term Ginkgo
menorrhalgia  Dong quai
microcirculatory diseases Bilberry

Grape seed extract

migraine Feverfew
motion sickness Ginger
muscle spasms Cayenne
nausea Ginger
night blindness Bilberry
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) Evening primrose oil
prostate hyperplasia symptoms Saw palmetto
respiratory tract infection Echinacea
restlessness Kava
retinopathy, diabetic Bilberry
sedative Kava
shingles   Cayenne
sleep, enhancement Kava


stomach upset Ginger
stress Ginseng (Asian)

Gotu kola



tendonitis Devil's claw
tinnitus Ginkgo
tonic Efeuthero (Siberian  ginseng)

Ginseng (Asian)

vertigo Ginkgo
ulcers, gastric and duodenal Licorice 
urinary tract infections, Cranberry 
prevention of varicose veins Bilberry

            Last modified: August 28, 2000




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